Getting there
The Gardens at Heather Farm
1540 Marchbanks Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Traveling by car
accessible by freeway CA-24 E or I-680 N or S, depending on where you’re coming from
Traveling by plane
1.5 hr drive from SFO, 1 hr drive from Oakland International Airport, or 1.5 hr drive from Sacramento International Airport
car rental encouraged
We recommend renting an airbnb or hotel in Walnut Creek or nearby Oakland, Berkeley, or somewhere else in the East Bay. Most places in the East Bay are ~30 minute drive away from the venue. If you have questions about where to stay, feel free to text Ann! After six years of visiting Khami when she lived in Berkeley, she’s very good at finding airbnbs and hotels.
There will be 50 parking spots reserved at the venue, and there is ample street parking on the neighboring roads and at the nearby park. Per the venue, no parking is permitted at the Diablo Hills Golf Course’s Greenery Restaurant across the street.